Sensational Vibes
In August 2021 Sensational Vibes identified a desperate need to do something to address the rising issue of knife crime within our community. In response to this we partnered with Foundation training and Leicester Systema to create a 3 part knife awareness, prevention and intervention tool kit. The tool kit incorporates first aid for stab wounds training as well as personal safety and knife defence training which not only teaches young people how to defend against a knife attack but more
importantly it teaches them anger, conflict and risk management. We delivered our launch at the water front sports and education academy, we have since delivered 3 sessions to different communities: Millgate School, St Peters church and the African Caribbean centre. Between these four sessions our beneficiaries have been young people between the age of 10- 25 as well as adults over 25, young people who have special educational needs and behavioural difficulties as well as young people who are classed as NEET ( not in employment education or training ) and those classed as hard to reach. Our funders have been Leicestershire and Community Rutland Foundation as well as Awards for all who we thank for enabling us to deliver this essential work, helping to save lives.
Foundation Training work in callaboration with Sensational Vibes to deliver First Aid program know as ‘Stop the Bleed’ . This program is fundered by the National Lottery Community Fund as has already taught many young people how to deliver first aid for stab wounds and basic CPR.
The recent course was delivered on August 16th and was a huge success.